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(How to Build Your Email List the Right Way)
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Latest revision as of 06:21, 19 January 2013

There really should never be any question or debate as to the profit potential of an email list. Let's talk about some of the more effective email list building approaches that have stood the test of time.

Develop a Newsletter: Even though this might seem like duplicated information, you might be shocked to learn that most people still need to hear it again. If you have not made the decision to start a newsletter yet, this is something that you should reconsider because it is the most basic of tools to use for getting people to sign up for your list. People in different niche markets want to keep themselves updated about a specific topic. You can fill this need via newsletter. But, once you start this process, you have to do whatever it takes to get people as subscribers. Make sure you add the subscription box to each and every page of your website. Do not put it in a little spot on your homepage only. Your subscription form should only request a small amount of information from your visitors. The only thing that should be required is a first name and an email address. The easier you make for your visitors to subscriber, the higher your conversions will be.

The list creation process is never-ending and it will assume a life of its own. A list needs to be cultivated, and the people on your list need to know you think about them in some meaningful way. Your subscribers are on your list for a reason; give them some value and don't just forget about them. They need to realize that you do not view them just as a source of money, and that is a very real sentiment. This will increase the trust factor between you and your subscribers, which will ultimately lead to word of mouth marketing. Anything you can think of to promote your list should be done because it all adds up. Avoid getting complacent with promoting your list unless it is just so massive that it grows on its own.

Some people have been able to successfully get their website traffic to put a buzz out about their site. In order to take full advantage of this idea you have to make it easy for people to spread the word by giving them access to a 'Tell a Friend' form where they can refer others.

Do not drop the ball by avoiding social marketing, and the Facebook "like" button will work just as well.

Making your own email list is not hard, but it is not an overnight process so just stay with it and you will see it grow.

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