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Latest revision as of 08:47, 8 January 2013

Video has emerged as the most popular way for online marketers to get their message across. It's a matter of going with the flow -people nowadays like to receive information in video format, so why not make them happy? There are many methods for creating videos, but one of the most useful is making screencasts from your own computer. If you want to create screencasts that your audience will like and respond to, be sure to apply the following principles.

Clean Up Your Desktop: Speed is very essential when you're creating a professional screencast.

You can't waste any of your time searching around for stuff which can be used otherwise. Your audience won't like to go through minutes that are wasted unnecessarily. This is exactly why you should ensure that your desktop is cleaned up before you start recording your screencast. You and your audience alike will be distracted from the subject at hand if there are a lot of icons on your desktop to sift through. All you need to do in order to avoid mistakes that will have you looking like something a little less than professional is remove any unnecessary icons from your desktop. The last thing you want to do when attempting to make a positive impression through your screencast is show off an unprofessional desktop.

Recording Sound and Video Separately: There will be times when you will decide that the overall result will be greatly improved if you record your sound and video separately. This is when you should consider separating the both, so that you can focus on the video first and then go back to recording the audio. So why does this happen in the first place? First of all, you might have a few issues concentrating while trying to click around the various programs. This isn't a problem and there's no need to force yourself to do both things at the same time. Since the result will be more professional, the additional time it will require to make isn't really important.

Use a Quality Mic: Whenever there's an audio component to something you're presenting, you have to be sure that the sound quality is up to par or people will get frustrated. In order to minimize problems like background noises, you should use the best possible mic you can get your hands on. People will appreciate this, and it also means you don't have to do so much editing to get the sound quality right. Every detail matters when you create your screencast, particularly when it comes to the sound quality. You also don't want to be creating your screencast in a noisy environment, as this will obviously make it harder to get clear audio.

You'll have plenty of time to play around with the software later, for now, presenting a strong message is more important than presenting a fancy message. These steps aren't rocket science but they will take you far.

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