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Eating Organic - The Deception For The Snobby Elitest!

Eating organic has been in mainstream media as of late.

Dr. Oz recently stated in A Time Magazine article that people who were consuming organic:

"are elitists, snooty and snobs."

This statement sent ripples throughout the organic residents.

Personally I feel that you can't be stunned by anybody who deals with corporate entities anything is doable but not in a good way.

These are good concerns:

   in what way or manner my food is developed
   the nutrient content my food contains
   long term affects of my diet
   the environment
   the health and well being of my family
   my foods not being genetically modified

If these concerns put me in the 1% category of the population who are considered snobby or an elitist for eating organic.

Then so be it!

I'd prefer be snobby or an elitist and care about my well being than be like the masses and believe everything that is told to them!

Eating Organic - The Illusion

There is another concern about consuming organic, and that is the deception with the labeling.

Corporate entities understand the income potential dealing with the "1% snobby elitist consuming organic" so you are now seeing many organic food items in grocery stores.

Some products are excellent, but there are a lot that are not so great.

If you correctly read labels you can navigate throughout the deceptive tricks that some of these food companies are utilizing.

Let me explain. I was grocery shopping with my daughter and I was looking at a particular product. There were six ingredients on the label and only one ingredient was organic.

But the front of the package stated that it was an ORGANIC product!

Don't fall for the deception!

One of the best ways to avoid these tricks is to consume less or to totally cut out packaged or processed foods. Focus on consuming organic whole foods.

If consuming organic produce isn't easily accessible in your area, look into an organic produce delivery service that will deliver to you. To all you "snobby, elitist" people out there consuming organic. Stay strong and beware of the deception with organic products! Stay Healthy!

p.s. Don't forget to join our mailing list for free Holistic Health support and tips by clicking here: Get Healthy Now<p

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