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(Making The Most from Your Ezine Advertising Efforts)
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Ezine advertising isn't new, but it remains an effective and relatively low cost way to find highly targeted prospects and customers. This type of advertising allows you to place highly targeted ads even if you're working with a small budget. By adhering to the advice we'll be sharing in this article, you can make your ezine advertising dollars go further and bring you better returns.

Become a Reader of the Ezine: It's not enough that an ezine is in your niche and claims to have a certain number of subscribers; you want to make sure it offers people relevant and high quality content. You want to take a close look at the content; if the ezine doesn't offer its readers anything of value, it wouldn't make much sense to advertise there. If you want your prospects to respond to your ad, they must first trust and respect the publisher of the ezine, or your ad won't get much attention. If the ezine doesn't really put in the effort to create a strong relationship with its readers then there's absolutely no reason to advertise in it. People respond to ads better when they trust and respect the ezine they are a part of. The easiest way to get an accurate picture of what an ezine is really like is to become a subscriber before you become an advertiser.

Let's face it; if you're going to run a solo ad in an ezine, then you should have the right to have your title in the subject line. The response to your ad will be horrible if the subject lines in any ezines that run ads are just something that states it is a solo ad. Your emails from the ezine need to be opened, and that is half the battle right there; so why bother if you know the open rate will be bad?

This is just good common sense email marketing, and some ezine owners just do not get it.

Go for Double Opt-in Subscription Ezines: When you subscribe to an ezine before running an ad, the first thing that you should notice is whether the ezine offers a single opt-in or a double opt-in. With single opt-in, the risk of being accused of spam is much greater, so double opt-in is much better. When subscribers are double opt-in it also shows that they were serious about signing up, so it indicates a more responsive readership.

Don't worry if you've never tried your hand at ezine advertising before, because there's always a learning curve in everything. Obviously not everything you do will be a home run, and that is just normal for advertising. So do your homework upfront, and then if you feel it is worth pursuing just get started. There is nothing better than a positive and profitable relationship with any business with whom you are partnering.

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