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(Finding the right web host is key to ensuring that your website is always available. You have to do research, compare prices and plans, and check out references before you make your selection. Read on to find a list of tips which will help you find a)
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Latest revision as of 10:40, 19 December 2012

To get the most out of a free web host, you'll need to back up any data and files related to your site. Because free web hosts don't generally offer any guarantees about backing up your data, if anything disappears, it will be on you, and not on them.

Before deciding on a web host make sure you have read all the reviews. Don't rely on just a couple good words about it to make your decision. Make sure you have looked all over and found a variety of reviews from different sources. Make sure you are familiar with what the negative aspects of the host are as well.

Be sure to understand how much storage space that you will be getting through your web host. It is important to have enough space to build your current website, however, it is just as important to know that you have enough space to grow your website with you as your business grows.

If your website is used for professional purposes, you must be sure to avoid free hosting services at all costs. It may seem tempting if you are on a tight budget, but there are too many downfalls to make it worth your time and effort just to have constant problems with the host.

To prepare yourself for the experience of using a free web host, get used to the idea that you will have a lot of downtime. Staying up all the time takes some specialized equipment that free hosts don't really have the budget for. As a result, your site may be down more than it is up.

When you've finally narrowed down your search for a web hosting provider, look for one that has a satisfaction guarantee. Typically, these guarantees are valid for anywhere between one week and one month. The guarantee allows you to experience the full functionality of the web host without risk. If any issues arise that can't be resolved within the guarantee period, you'll get your money back and you can move on to a different host.

Web hosts have to update their servers regularly and your site will be unavailable when this occurs. Look for a service that lets you know in advance when your site will be down and which updates their servers at a time of the day where you are not getting a lot of visits.

The information contained in this article is a great place to start when figuring out how to select a web host to use. You should go from here and start looking at a variety of companies, create a short list and then really quiz them. In the end, your site will be available online at a price you can afford!

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