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Web design and development is a complex process that entails three main phases: - nformation gathering and planning - design and development - testing and delivery From gathering preliminary information, to the design and testing of the web site - web designers generally combine the three in their work to ensure optimum success.

1. Information Gathering and PlanningYou simply can't plan if you lack basic facts, this is very correct in web development and design. For that reason, on receipt of a client brief for a website, a web designer first has to gather information. Exactly what is the purpose of the website? Your client is asked a series of questions particularly concerning his/her business goals/expectations, preferences, kind of merchandise or/and services, sort of visitors (computer savvy or not, target age groups) and written content (what type of information will the customers search for). Making use of the gathered information the web designer will put together plans for your new web site. This can be the point when a site map as well as a set website structure in line with the timeline and budget is developed. Deadlines are crucial within this sector and they can only be best reached if they are planned properly. <br 2. Design and Development<br Web design and development period is the most complex bit of the process since it is when the ideas are brought to life. It is actually a lot easier if a client is deciding on a basic solution as all the website design company has to do should be to customize the "template" to fit the client needs. It's really a different story if the website is to be fully bespoke and developed from scratch. In order to avoid confusion, an initial design of the web site is initially prepared, which is made available to the client, who is given time to choose if design matches his/hers requirements. Communication between both client and designer is essential throughout the design process to make sure that the client requirements are taken into consideration and that the final web site will match the client's requirements. The home page usually comes first in web design because it dictates the design and style and feel for the whole website. One key characteristic of a great web site design is its compliance with the existing web standards for best usability. With the web site designed and developed, the subsequent and very last stage is testing and delivery. <br 3. Testing and Delivery<br That is essentially the last phase of the design/ development process where final details of the web site are evaluated and tested. As part of testing, the web designer should determine if the code written for your web site is valid - valid code will mean that your web site complies with the existing web standards. Functionality of the web-site and compatibility with many browsers is being evaluated to make sure that the website is entirely optimized and could be viewed under all important versions of internet browsers. With the client's approval, the website is then uploaded to the client's web server. Many website designers and developers also offer domain name registration as well as hosting services.

Resource: Web Design London