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(The Best Approach for Improving Internal Link Structures in Blogs)
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Latest revision as of 06:36, 5 December 2012

One very important consideration for your blog is to make very sure your internal link structure is organized properly. If you are not quite sure of what we are talking about, we can clarify how to properly organize your internal links.

Bear in mind that this structure for your linking will play off of how your site navigation is done. Categorizing your links effectively will help you in more than one way to create internal links that are relevant. Your blog will have categories, along with the names of them, and they will play an extremely important role with SEO. Your entire blogging efforts and results basically hinge on this consideration. You should optimize your link structure effectively for both the people and the search engines. Site usability is a hugely important concern for any site. If you pay proper attention to this important part of your site, then you will be pleased with the outcome. Let's talk about anchor text for your links because they are extremely important. Hopefully you will do all the right things from an usability standpoint so your site is a win-win. Anchor text links that simply says 'Click Here' no longer work as people want to see links that explicitly explain what they can expect upon clicking. What you will have to do is optimize your anchor text according to your keywords for on-page optimization. You can mix up the anchor text between keywords and also something compelling to grab attention.

Site maps are an integral and indispensable part of any blog that you simply must use if you are interested in SEO and search engine rankings. A site map is basically what it says, it is a map, but it is a map with links on it which will be helpful for your internal link structure. You can have both HTML and/or XML site maps if you want, and it will not hurt to have both of them. If you do not know how to make a site map, and they are not hard to do, then just find the plugin app for it and you're done. It is not 100% necessary to have a readable site map, but it will help people if they want to use it. Another nice thing about the plugin in is it will automatically update itself when you add new content to your blog.

There you go! Easy to apply tips that will help you make your internal linking structure even better and much more targeted. Having relevant internal links is just as important as having lots of incoming links to your blog from other sources.

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