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(Arthritis can begin at nearly any age and when it does you need to be on top of it. This degenerative condition really slows people down and is the cause of significant pain and discomfort. Read on to discover ways to help alleviate this most stiflin)
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Latest revision as of 18:21, 1 December 2012

To help with arthritis, you should always protect your joints. You shouldn't just sit around all day; you need to move around from time to time so your joints aren't always in the same place. When you are doing your many tasks throughout the day, you should always use the stronger joints in your body to accomplish your goal.

A thorough, daily stretching routine can help combat arthritis and keep your joints healthy and flexible. Planning a modest routine that covers all your joints - not just arthritic ones - will improve your overall health and keep arthritis at bay. Remember to avoid stretching any joints that are currently inflamed, though.

Find a hobby that you can easily perform. Many people who suffer from arthritis spend their days wishing they had something they could actually do, and you can prevent this boredom by searching out your own new hobby. Whether it is painting or dancing, having something to get you moving will keep you healthy.

Learn tai-chi. Tai-chi is a mind and body connective technique, that is also a form of light martial arts. Using tai-chi can help to convince yourself your body is not in as much pain as your mind believes. Some arthritis sufferers even claim that the use of this method allows them to use their mind to convince their body they are more flexible.

Don't become disheartened if the first arthritis therapy you try does not work. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of hit-and-miss before you finally settle on something that really works for you. Be sure to give each type of arthritis pain therapy that you try enough of a chance to have an effect. However, remember there are always more kinds of therapy to try if one just doesn't work out.

Take the time to learn about your condition and keep track of new advances in the science of treating arthritis. Join an online community of people suffering from arthritis and share advice and tips with them. Ask your doctor any question you have about your condition. Knowledge is key in living with your arthritis.

Add a culinary spice called turmeric to your meals as often as possible. Turmeric, which is commonly found in Indian curries, has anti-inflammatory properties and studies have shown that it is effective at reducing pain and stiffness in arthritis patients. Best of all, it is relatively tasteless and can be added seamlessly to a variety of dishes. For best results, eat it with black pepper.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight causes stress on the joints especially in the knees and hips. This added stress leads to flare-ups of arthritis. This is in addition to the well-known health dangers of being overweight and the detrimental effects it has on your mood and energy levels. Speak with your doctor about a safe weight loss plan.

Take a yoga class. Yoga involves stretching, and its exercises focus on all parts of the body. This can be very beneficial to individuals who are suffering from arthritis; although there is not a lot of research in this area yet, the Arthritis Foundation does encourage patients to try yoga and see if it works for them.

Have a regular eating schedule. Test your body to find out what eating pattern works best for you, and set up a distinct schedule around those times. If you find yourself hungry at a time when you are not scheduled to eat, have a light nutritious snack to keep yourself energetic and on schedule.

Get support from others who are dealing with psoriatic arthritis. The fatigue that is caused by this condition can make you feel closed off from the world. Do not make the mistake of drawing into yourself and thinking no one understands you. Joining a support group can do wonders for helping you accept your condition and find ways around your new energy levels.

If you don't want to join the ranks of those that haven't done anything really effective to manage their arthritis, then you want to make sure you are using tips like those in this article to get a better mindset in your fight against joint damage and pain. Find out the things that could stop your pain and even stop your arthritis in its tracks.

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