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(Acne is a skin condition characterized by the emergence of excess oil production and clogged, inflamed pores of the face and occasionally other areas such as the shoulders, neck and back. This article can help to trace the causes and decide whether m)
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Latest revision as of 17:10, 1 December 2012

Do not wash your face excessively. Dirt is not the cause of acne and if you wash your skin too often, it can become dry, sore and damaged. Damaged skin is more susceptible to further acne breakouts and can take a long time to heal. Additionally, there is some evidence that excessively washing the skin, can cause overproduction of the skin's natural oils, causing more acne.

Remember that less is sometimes more. Every single cosmetic product that you apply to your skin has the potential to block pores and cause acne breakouts, so try to use as few products as possible. Many cosmetic products can also interfere with the skin's natural healing processes, causing existing acne breakouts to take longer to go away.

To prevent acne, make sure you're careful when using an exfoliate. If you have sensitive skin, exfoliating your skin can cause your acne to get even worse. Try using an exfoliate that isn't very abrasive, if you want to prevent acne.

If you notice acne forming around your lips and at the corners of your mouth, stop using your tooth whitening products. Some of these products have been shown to cause clogged pores and other skin issues. However, if the acne doesn't clear up after you stop, your toothpaste probably isn't the issue.

A helpful technique for battling acne is to make a conscious effort to keep your hands away from all areas of the face. Excessive touching of the facial area can disperse acne-causing bacteria across the surface of the skin, and can serve to further exacerbate existing inflammation. It is never wise to intentionally burst pimples with your fingertips, because scars are likely to result.

Reduce your consumption of coffee. Sure it may pick you up in the morning, but it also is proven to cause acne, and that is something you want to avoid. You should find other ways to wake yourself up naturally without having to rely on coffee that could be causing acne.

Coffee is the beverage of choice for anyone who is looking for a boost of caffeine to help stay up finishing that paper that is due tomorrow. The problem is, that coffee is a beverage that aggravates acne and can increase the levels of stress hormones in the body. And stress can lead to even more acne. So try to find another way to get that needed energy boost if you want to help keep your skin clear.

You can use over-the-counter acne treatments to help with your acne. These are mainly topical and generally include popular acne ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. You must be careful with these though and follow the directions on how much to use and how many times to apply them. Also, these may be too harsh for some, so if you have doubts, ask a physician or dermatologist.

A good tip that can help you get rid of acne is to remain patient. Treating acne takes time. It can take up to two months for acne to completely clear up so you should try not to worry about it too much. The acne will go away in time.

Now that one knows what they should do they can go on to prevent themselves from ever being embarrassed or anything else because of their acne. After ridding oneself from acne they will not only feel better about themselves but be more confident with themselves throughout situations that can arise.

Do you suffer from acne body

or acne body wash
then click one of the links in this bio box for some great tips and trick to get rid of your acne.