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(If you suffer from acne, you know what a strain it can put on your self image. It's hard to feel good about yourself when your face is broken out! Read on for some tips on managing and curing your condition! Soon you'll be looking better and feeling)
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Latest revision as of 08:15, 1 December 2012

Wear loose fitting clothing. Some acne is produced as a result of the close contact between the skin and an article of clothing. Headbands, helmets, jogging suits and yoga outfits are all known to cause breakouts, so it is important to find clothing that does not cling too closely to your skin.

Avoid over-scrubbing or scouring your skin with intentions of eliminating acne problems. Many people falsely believe that acne is caused by dirt on the surface of the skin, but unfortunately this is not true. As a result, harsh exfoliation and astringent cleansers may actually encourage acne by weakening the skin's ability to ward off bacterial growth.

While sunburns and excessive sun exposure are bad for acne-prone skin, a moderate amount of sun exposure can help keep the skin healthy and less susceptible to acne. Sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D, which improves overall skin health. Direct sunlight is unnecessary to this process; the body can get adequate sunlight even on an overcast day.

An important tip to consider when concerning acne is to try using a simple home remedy of cooked oatmeal. After cooking, allowing to cool to a safe temperature, and then apply to the face. Overall, this is great for the skin, as well as being a proven way to reduce acne.

Try an oatmeal mask. Oatmeal can be a great way to treat acne because it is a natural exfoliator and calms inflammation. Cook it like you normally would, then mix it with honey. Apply to your face and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

The sun is your enemy when you are fighting an acne problem. Stay in the shade, wear a hat and if you must get into the sunshine, wear a powerful sunscreen. Be on guard against reflected light that bounces off water and other shiny surfaces on the brightest days, too. Staying out of the light will help your acne heal.

To treat acne, use diluted tea tree oil on clean skin and allow it to dry. Put on an oil-free moisturizer and then go to bed. This will minimize the redness caused by acne and alleviate any pain and swelling. It can also help kill bacteria on your face that may be causing the acne.

Getting the adequate amount of rest is an essential part of fighting acne. The body needs at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep, and that sleep time is when the body undergoes maintenance and repair, including repairs made to the body's immune system. The immune system helps fight off acne-causing bacteria, so keeping it well maintained is important.

Carrots are great for your skin. Carrots have natural vitamin A. Vitamin A can help prevent acne and strengthen your skin. Being deficient in vitamin A can cause acne. Taking a multivitamin is a good idea for health and for the health of your skin and adding extra carrots to your diet can help as well.

As stated before, acne is a burden to many people. If you remember the information from this article, then you can lessen the impact and appearance of this annoying affliction. You may even succeed in eliminating the burden of acne altogether.

Do you suffer from acne

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then click one of the links in this bio box for some great tips and trick to get rid of your acne.