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(John Chow is arguably known to be one of the best bloggers in the world. In two years, he was able to make zero to over $40,000 per month in two years simply by blogging. With over 200,000 daily readers and followers in his website johnchow dot com)
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Latest revision as of 01:00, 23 November 2012

Blogging with John Chow Review: John Chow's Bio

John Chow has been featured in such publications as The Vancouver Sun, the Globe and Mail, the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Ming Pao Magazine and BC Business Magazine.

Here are some of John Chow's accolades of achievements as described on his website:

Today, John Chow dot Com is one of the biggest blogs on the Internet, with over 200,000 active daily readers and followers. John Chow dot Com is ranked number 16 on the AdAge Power 150 list and number 1 in the list of the Top 50 Canadian Internet Marketing Blogs. He also is the founder and CEO of TTZ Media, Inc.

John is the Author of Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul, which rocketed to #1 on Amazon.com within the first week of release. He has written many other books and runs one of the biggest money making blogs in the world. He has been featured in such publications as The Vancouver Sun, the Globe and Mail, the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Ming Pao Magazine and BC Business Magazine. He has also appeared on numerous radio and television shows, like The Lab with Leo Laporte and Global Morning News.

Blogging with John Chow Review: The Product!

The purpose of the Blogging with John Chow by John Chow is to teach people how to make money through blogging and how to be successful in blogging. In his product, you will pay on the front end $37. His upsell #1 is $47 and then they will offer you an upsell #2 for $97. If you refuse the upsell #2, then you will pay $1 for one month to try out the upsell #2.

Blogging with John Chow Review:  Is it a Scam?

This Blogging with John Chow Review is to assure you that due to John Chow's incredible reputation, this product is not a scam. In fact, I think it is worth the try so you will learn valuable tips on how you can earn money through blogging especially considering that you are being educated by John Chow.

Blogging with John Chow Review: Should I buy it?

In this Blogging with John Chow Review, my opinion remains reserved on whether or not you should purchase this program. John Chow is an incredible blogger and will offer you some valuable tips on blogging.

However, there is an easier way to profit from blogging.

As a Social Network and Internet Marketing Coach, I use Empower Network for all my clients and for my personal blogs because of its rank in Alexa. Empower Network ranks 303 in the United States and 425 in the world. This makes Empower Network an Authority site which allows you to compete with other major sites. In fact, Empower Network ranks higher than CNBC.com, NASA.com, Kayak.com, Dell.com, travelocity.com, Nordstrom.com, just to name a few.

For ONLY $25 a month, you can write your blogs on an Alexa Ranked Platform which gives your blogs powerful popularity links with the Major Search Engine. As a result, this will increase your ranks towards the front page of the major search engine, which will also increase your company's sales. The entire Empower Network Blogging Platform is created exactly so you can make money through blogging.

In addition, the Empower Network Blogging System utilizes a PROVEN Automated System that you can sell as an affiliate and earn an Incredible 100% commisssions. "No more weanie commissions."

The most fascinating part of Empower Network is the incredible "IVY League" Blogging Courses that they offer, which are taught by the elites in Internet Marketing. In the videos, these Experts reveal their personal secrets that have helped them to generate a consistent $40,000-$100,000 income a MONTH with Empower Network!

If you would like to learn how you can use Empower Network to rank your Blogs in the top 10 on the 1st Page of the Major Search Engines then Empower Network is your ticket to achieving your finanical success.

Want to learn how you can earn 100% commissions from writing about your passion, current events, or trending news and use an authority site that is ranked 404 worldwide in Alexa to promote your blogs go to Empower Network Blogging Platform.