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Latest revision as of 05:01, 18 November 2012

Electronic commerce, ecommerce, is the primary business model and is a broad topic. So if you've been thinking about starting your own net business, then you can do that and do well with the right approach. The only people who never make any money at this are those who stop trying. We'll show you a few cool things that you can use to help you in your ecommerce pursuits.

You'll need to use SEO if you want to do search marketing - and pay attention to what is new with SEO. It's generally better to place the keyword early in the title rather than down the line. If you want to brand something, then on that page you can use branding in the page title. This is easy and not to belabor the point, but just be relevant in all ways when you're doing on page SEO.

Optimize your site and that means tending to areas such as not having any 404 pages. 404 pages are not desirable and will create a negative impression about your site, but that doesn't matter since the traffic will leave anyway. Automatic solutions to alert you about 404 page errors is a good idea, too. This is really only ever an issue if you get tons of 404 errors on your site, and this may happen if you take a lot of pages down.

Be sure you change button colors for your shopping cart because you don't want them to blend in too much with other colors. This might sound silly but it is true because contrast colored shopping buttons help raise your conversion rate. You'll be able to notice them quicker and so will your site visitors. When the buttons blend in with your overall color and design scheme, people might not know that they are interactive. Anything you can do to plant a seed in the mind of your visitors is worth doing.

If you really want to have an ecommerce site, then you'll need to just decide rather than mulling it over forever. All is up to you, and that's one of the great things about doing business on the web, you have control over your life.

If you can make money from your passion, then by all means you should do it because that is the best way to go. If you are really totally new to IM, then maybe join a reputable marketing forum where people will want to help you.

You could be as worn out of the hype about how to jump higher v as we are. But that may not be an issue if you already know all about craft diston. Decide to know the difference and perhaps the truth...