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(Work for your boss or work for yourself what are your options)
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Have you given up on your dreams?

Remember what it was like when you were a kid? You had all these goals and dreams and the things you were going to achieve in your life, no one was going to stop you right..

So what happened?

As I am writing this at the moment it is Sunday afternoon and I am thinking about that j.o.b (just over broke) that I have to go to tomorrow. Dreading the fact that I have to put in another 38 hours in the next week working to help someone else achieve their dreams. You see somewhere along the way we lose sight of our own dreams and goals and start to settle. Settle for the fact that our boss is willing to pay us a measly amount of money for our time. Now it doesn't matter if you are a Dishwasher earning $10 an hour or a Doctor earning $150,000 per year, while you are employed for someone else you can only draw so much because you only have so much time you can put in. We all have just 168 hours in every week. We need to start looking inside ourselves and find that inner child. Start taking a few risks and look at leveraging our time. Leverage, that is the way to make the money required to start achieving your goals and dreams. What is leverage? Leverage is the currency of today. To leverage your time you need to take advantage of the disposable resources you have available and use them to maximum efficiency.

Now there are a few ways that we can make extra money these days let's look at a few of them.

Take on a second job. Well we could do this and if money is your only proposal then this might work for you. The down side to this preference is that you are still trading hours for dollars and at some point you will run out of hours to give and therefore your possible income will reach a level and level out at some point.

You could get an education to build up more sort after skills and get a raise at work for the hours you are currently putting into the job. However, it will take time to get the education and your hourly rate will increase but there will still be a limit to the amount of income you can earn.

You could join one of the many multi level marketing businesses out there. They are a great opportunity to start earning a residual (ongoing) income if they are set up correctly. Having been involved in the multi level marketing industry for some time now I am personally a big fan. I love the feeling of freedom that you can get from owning your own business and it is a great feeling once you start sponsoring people ad training them to build their own business. The start up cost to this is reasonable considering you are purchasing the rights to distribute products within your state, territory or country but you will need $100 to $500 to get started and then there are the training expenses.

Blogging is a great way to earn money online. There are a number of affiliate programs that will pay you commissions for any sales that you make on their products. A lot of blogs out there today are promoting a range of different affiliate programs in an effort to make money.

Personally, I have chosen to utilise the resources of the Empower Network, where the blogging platform is already set up , sales videos and sales funnels are already in place and all I have to do is drive traffic to the website and they pay me 100% commissions on any sales. So how do I drive traffic? Well spending about an hour a day I put together a blog post a day and then market that through my existing social networks. Oh and did I mention that I can develop my business worldwide. I am not restricted to just one country or territory.

The online training available through Empower Network, is some of the best training I have ever come across and the training is not specific to those promoting the Empower Network. The skills, knowledge and training that you will learn through these programs can be used to promote and market any business or product online.

In Conclusion

Well there you go - there are a few options available to you if you are looking for a way to buy back your Monday morning.

Are you serious about wanting to chase your own dreams, rather than those of your boss? If you want more than you have today , are you ready to do something different? Maybe it's time to start looking at some of these options If you are serious about wanting to make a change to your bank balance right now then you need to visit my website and get started with me today.

P.S. If you want to see how you can empower yourself and your community both online and offline through blogging, and get paid for it [http://www.empowernetwork.com/almostasecret.php?id=thejobsearchguy click here a to see how I do it.