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(As communities expand our world gets smaller and smaller)
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Latest revision as of 06:40, 17 November 2012

Growing up, the world felt like such a huge place. Being able to communicate with someone on the other side of the world used to take so long. I remember having a pen pal in Japan and we would send letters, yes that's right hand written letters to each other and even with Air Mail it would take about two weeks to get a reply. This out dated method of communication has been replaced by email where you could then get a response within a matter of hours. Email has now been replaced by Instant Messaging where you can now have a real time conversation with someone half way across the world via text messaging or even video chat. Sharing of information Information sharing has also come a long way. It used to be that if you needed information you would visit a library and search for the information you needed in books. Today we simply type a question into Google and the answer to our question magically appears. Someone shares a picture or a video or some other information with us on "facebook" and with a few keystokes we have shared this with everyone on our friends list. It is so much easier to share information these days. Expanding social networks Again, when I was younger, my social network would extend as far as the playground. And if I wanted to talk to my friends I would have to jump on my push bike and go visit my friends. Today, with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Tumblr, Stumble Upon, Bebo...etc we are able to develop huge networks of people. Some of these people we interact with regularly, some we add to our friends list because we share a common interest. Our ability to reach out to people quickly through these methods satisfies our need to feel accepted. We feel that the more friends we have, the more popular we are. But my question is, how many of your friends on these social networking sites do you really know well. My challenge to you would be reach out to someone on your list today and get to know them better. Establish a real connection with someone and that way we can grow through our social interactions. By starting conversations with people existing in our community we can develop a greater understanding of cultures and other communities around the world. The development of communities We all have the power to develop communities and to share and participate in the growth of those communities. Become an active member of your community today, stop living life on the sidelines. Get involved today. My challenge for you today would be to, 1. Share this post within your community 2. Leave a comment on the post 3. Start a conversation with a friend in your community Could you be a builder of Communities? If you are interested in developing communities and looking to see how those communities can work together to increase your income come check out my web page, enter your email and come join our community

P.S. If you want to see how you can empower yourself and your community both online and offline through blogging, and get paid for it [http://www.empowernetwork.com/almostasecret.php?id=thejobsearchguy click here a to see how I do it.