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(Some people live their lives not really thinking about the consequences of their actions. When it comes to your personal health, this is not a productive or attractive attitude to have. Learning about nutrition will help you learn how to feel and act)
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Latest revision as of 00:00, 6 November 2012

Try your hardest to avoid empty calories. This is things like refined sugars, soft drinks or other junk food snacks. These won't give you a feeling of being full and they also won't provide your body with any nutrients. If you are able to eat more complex foods your body will thank you.

No one maintains perfect nutrition. In fact, to set such a goal would be to set yourself up for failure. Instead, think of nutrition as a balancing act between what you want to eat and what you should eat. Focusing too heavily on the "should" side will set you up for failure and guilt, while focusing only on what you want will pile on the pounds and make you less healthy.

In order to avoid spending more on healthy foods than you really need to, educate yourself by doing your own research. For example, some advocate that you can get the best health benefits from steel-cut oats, which may be more expensive. However, any oats which need to be slowly cooked or boiled have the same nutrients in them. That said, try to avoid pre-cooked oats flavored with fruit, as they can have higher salt and sugar content.

A good nutrition tip is to stay away from muffins and bagels when you're eating breakfast. Muffins and bagels tend to be high in sugar, and their glycemic index is pretty high. This means that they'll more than likely be stored as fat. Try eating oatmeal instead.

Saturated fat consumption is strongly linked to metabolic syndrome, which is the name for the constellation of symptoms that includes, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. In order to reduce your consumption of saturated fat, you should use liquid plant oils, such as olive or peanut oil when possible, for frying, as well as, reducing the consumption of fatty foods in general.

Oprah Winfrey used the phrase "clean eating" in her book Oprah's Kitchen. It's helpful to think of clean eating as a good way to approach food. Simple preparations, lighter salad dressings, using less oils and fats (though still a bit for flavor!), and keeping things as fresh as possible - all these ideas contribute to her way of clean eating. Oprah loved her fried chicken - and presents a clean way of cooking it in her book. The bottom line is, if you have a choice between fancy and heavy vs. simple and fresh, go with the latter and your scale will thank you, no matter what food you're eating.

Changing your diet may be difficult, but it's worth it in the long run. Nutritious food will give your body what it needs to run properly and will leave you feeling great. Keep these tips in mind as you transition towards your healthier lifestyle and you'll find yourself eating better in no time.

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