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(One of the best animals to have as a pet is a dog. Dogs are affectionate animals that provide great companionship for people of all ages. Dogs have many great qualities, but owners often find them hard to train. If you are having trouble training you)
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Latest revision as of 06:30, 14 October 2012

Don't comfort your dog for being anxious. This will just encourage him to be anxious. Instead, simply escort him to his crate, usher him in, and let him overcome his anxiety. You may want to leave a radio on in the room with him and possibly cover the crate to help reduce his anxiety. Once he is calm, bring him out and reward him for his calm behavior.

Dogs can get bored during training. Doing the same thing over and over for endless time periods, will assure your dog will not be a good student. Try to vary your routine and put time limits on the amount of time you practice different behaviors. When your dog feels like an experience is new, he will respond quicker.

If you are trying to train a teething puppy not to chew on your clothing or belongings, give it an appropriate item on which to chew. Teething puppies have an instinctive need to chew, in order to relieve the pain. However, don't give your puppy old shoes or clothing, as they will learn that those items are okay to chew on.

Listen to your dog. Do not insist that your dog greet another person, dog, or animal if the dog appears distressed. It is important to realize that there is a reason he is uncomfortable, and you need to appreciate that. If your dog is indicating that he is distressed, do not force the issue because it can result in bigger problems down the road.

Understand that a dog's thinking is simple compared to human thinking. If you call your dog and he doesn't come immediately because he's distracted by a squirrel, don't scold him when he does show up. He only knows that he is coming to you, and you are scolding him for doing so. He doesn't understand you're angry about the squirrel, or that he didn't come to you quickly enough.

When you are first starting out in training your dog, try to schedule the training sessions to take place at about the same time every day. If you are making the training sessions a positive experience and doing them on a schedule, your dog will start to look forward to the sessions and enjoy them more.

When training your dog, make sure to keep him active. Dogs get bored just as easily as humans, so make sure you take him out for walks, runs and any special classes that may be offered by local pet stores or animal shelters. Exercise will help him improve not just physically, but also mentally.

As was stated in this article, it is possible to have a wonderful dog that you can be proud of. You just have to know the right techniques, in order to do that. Do not waste any more time and begin by putting these great tips to use. You will not recognize your dog when you are done.

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