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(Here are some tips and tricks they dont teach you. This article is about some sneaky tactics you implement into your offline arsenal)
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Latest revision as of 04:27, 14 October 2012

Before we get into some cunning offline business techniques some network marketers would say that these strategies are amateur like and are pointless but when it comes to offline business there are not many powerhouse options compared to online marketing.

But whatever offline marketing techniques you do can only result in your enterprise growing not decreasing so it can't hurt your shoestring operation.

Plus these offline marketing strategies are fun to do when your doing them with your friends/team mates/business partners ect. might not be as blast doing these offline marketing strategies by yourself but network business should be a team effort anyway.

With that being said lets get into it

Offline business strategies - what you will need

If your gonna build an enterprise the 1st thing you must have is a website/blog its just a must have these days, a site that explains your organization opportunity and what your about, and than with the offline business tools you can get traffic there.

"Don't let being cheap keep you from being broke" If you don't have a site you can have one instantly set up ready to go Here the empower network blogging system. Or I do have a step by step guide on how to set up your own personal blog in my team resources.

Here are a few offline marketing tools to help you get traffic to your site enterprise cards Flyers Drop cards Stickers Bookmarks ect. With each offline business tool containing your website URL and contact info you are ready to go:

Offline marketing techniques 01 - Card planting

Go to some library's in your area and plant your company cards/flyers/bookmarks ect. with your website URL/contact info ect.. in every book that is related to your niche, so in my case I would hit books about network marketing, Robert kiyosaki, starting a company, getting rich, institution training, career paths ect. This strategy is a bit sneaky so do it at your own risk. A pretty ingenious offline marketing strategy right

Offline marketing strategies 02 - Drop cards

Drop cards are company type cards that look like money, simply when you go out take a few drop cards and drop em. This is pretty joy as you can watch people pick them up and see there reactions. You can place them at ATM machines, leave them at tables ect. just let your imagination run wild.

Offline marketing techniques 03 - word to mouth

This is where your shoestring operation cards come in handy, just don't pitch your opportunity or convince or be aggressive in any way. If someone asks you what you do just tell them and give them your card and tell them they can check it out.

You can also go to company seminars and meet other people in your field and just talk to people and have joy.

other offline business techniques

Also you can have a sticker with your URL on your set of wheels, but i guess you would have to have a nice set of wheels and don't drive like a clown lol. Maybe get some bumper stickers to put on other cars friends/family just be sure to ask them first lol.

So there's a few offline business techniques that you can use to promote your business, there easy, fun, its not expensive to do. I would recommend you make a weekend of it and go out with your friend/team mates and just have good time with it and you can't go wrong.

There's plenty other offline marketing strategies out there but you can also come up with some of your own offline marketing techniques to do just remember "doubt and fear are pointless in getting things done".
