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(9 Spanish Words Any Young lady Learning to speak spanish Should be aware and actually, these words even apply to men...)
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Outlined in this article, We've 9 Real spanish terms and phrases to teach you which might be for ladies typically. Fundamentally, all of these nine Real spanish spoken words can certainly be useful for many men as well, specifically fellas that have a Spanish speaking "esposa" (wife) or perhaps even "novia" (girlfriend).

I realized a lot of these Spanish spoken words when I had a "novia" ("novia" can often mean sweetheart or fiancée, however in this specific scenario the phrase means fiancée) and in addition we lived as partners here in Medellín, Colombia. I would more often than not eavesdrop on the conversations that she would have with her "amigas" and take note of terms and phrases with a "pluma" (pen) and "papelito" (piece of paper) with a purpose to publish a lot of these keywords and phrases in my own emails and in addition easily share these with my new customers.

I'm sure that these people had certainly no idea I was "escondido" (hidden, covertly), following their most personal discussions. Numerous of those keyword phrases I did not learn by eavesdropping but also I just picked up the words from speaking in Spanish with my x-novia. So please do not just think about me as an "espía" (spy). Listed below are nine of these vocabulary key phrases for-women-only.

1. Planificar - family planning, as an example the planning of when you ought to have babies, in addition to the utilization of pregnancy prevention.

Estoy planificando. I am using birth control.

Mind you, "planificar" is also able to just mean "to plan." Additionally, the verb "planear" meaning to plan. Nonetheless, if utilizing "planificar" to express planning in general, "planificar" is regarded as a a whole lot more distinguished term as opposed to the verb "planear."

2. Tampón - tampon

Amor, me compras tampones cuando te vayas al supermercado. Sweetheart, will you buy me some tampons when you go to the supermarket.

3. Cólico - menstrual cramps.

Tengo muchos cólicos. I have a lot of menstrual cramps.

Even so, for anybody who is speaking about the sort of cramps you'll get from performing exercises or running, the word is "calambre."

El corredor cayó antes de llegar a la meta a causa de un calambre en la pierna. The runner fell before arriving at the finish line because of a cramp in his leg.

4. Regla - menstrual period

Muchas mujeres sufren de cólicos durante la regla. Many women suffer from menstrual cramps during their period.

Along with "regla" some women say "menstruación" (menstruation) and / or "período" (period).

Its possible you have realized that within the last 2 samples, in English we used the possessive. For example, "his leg" and "their period." But in Spanish, in such cases, there' no requirement to show "possession." In such samples, one says "la pierna" (the leg) and "la regla" (the period).

The reason is because "possession" is suggested. A jogger is not able to have a cramp in somebody else's leg. He'll be able to simply have a cramp in HIS OWN leg. Women can't suffer from menstrual cramps from someone else's menstruation. They'll only suffer from menstrual cramps from THEIR OWN menstruation. But in English, we have a tendency to be redundant and state possession even though it's implied or alternatively obvious.

5. Embarazada - pregnant

Estoy embarazada. I am pregnant.

In Medellin, they don't say "Estoy embarazada, ella está embarazada, etc." In Medellin, they say:

Estoy en embarazo. (I am pregnant.) Ella está en embarazo. (She is pregnant.)

6. Ovular - to ovulate

Cuando las hembras y las mujeres ovulan están listas para reproducirse. When females animals and women ovulate they are ready to reproduce.

7. Aborto - abortion

En Colombia, el aborto es ilegal. In Colombia, abortion is illegal.

8. Pastillas anticonceptivas - birth control pills

La mujer dice "se me olvidó tomar la pastilla anticonceptiva." The woman said "I forgot to take my birth control pill."

You may additionally hear a number of Spanish-speaking women say "la píldora" this means "the pill."

9. Trimestre - trimester

El primer trimestre del embarazo puede ser muy difícil para la futura mamá. The first trimester of pregnancy can be very difficult for the future mother.

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